Wednesday 2 January 2019

Review: 'Arrow Borne: Fate Loves the Fearless' by Jess Taylor

Here's the third in my recent comic reviews out of the batch I picked up at Nottingham Comic Con in 2018. After this we're veering into unknown territory - new year, new comics!

Today's comic is called 'Arrow Borne, Fate Loves the Fearless' by Jess Taylor and it is a beautiful work of art. Here's what it's about:

Fate loves the fearless...

In 2016, as the world falls apart around her ears, one woman is expected to piece it back together. Arrow Borne is a superhero tale about love, loss and the lure of Greek Gods.

'Fate Loves The Fearless' is the prologue for the upcoming Arrow Borne series and this special edition release includes sketches, concepts and rejected pages as issue #2 goes to the press.

What I like about this volume most is what an absolute work of art it is. Taylor's use of colour is brilliant. She uses her chosen colour palette well and every page bursts with energy and points of interest. There are also some really nice, subtle textures which emphasise Taylor's crisp illustration style. (Unfortunately my terrible camera phone can't do these things justice and these pages look much nicer in real life.)

There's no dialogue and minimal words in the whole book - one sound effect and two text messages across the whole volume. Everything is conveyed with interestingly shaped panels, dynamic characters and well chosen focal points. The whole thing is just so lovely to read and the story is easy to follow; it's a superhero tale at its heart, but stylistically so different to the conventional art style of your typical Marvel etc. comics that it's got strong appeal even if superheroes aren't your jam.

The concept sketches in the back of the book are very insightful too. As an aspiring illustrator and comic maker I'm already analysing every page of the comics I read, so I really appreciate it when creators share their own notes about their process.

As this is the beginning of a series, it's good to know there is more to look forward to with Issue 2 and beyond - definitely on my 'to read' list for 2019.

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